STRATOVARIUS - Joerg Michael

21 December 2009

"I really liked Michael Jackson" He has been among the most famous drummers in heavy metal even before joining SratovariusВ in 1996. JOERG was a vital part of the likse of Running Wild, Rage, Axel Rudi Pell, Mekong Delta, Grave Digger, Headhunter etc. STRATOVARIUS are now going...

PERO DEFFORMERO - Goran Bishevac

24 November 2009

"Well, the image is a pisstake. We're also serious, but with some humour thrown in there. " The band from Novia Sad, Serbia will beВ opening the BIG radio Tangra Mega Rock concert on 1 December wich will be co-headlined by reunited punk legends KONTROL and KULTUR SHOCK of...

MOONSPELL - Fernando Ribeiro

23 November 2009

before their first EVER show in Bulgaria The Portugese metal leaders just got back from their South American tour and it's easy to understand why they feel a bit dizzy with the jet lag. But their frontman Fernando Ribeiro joined usВ on 'Tangra Metal Shock' show and we are...


20 November 2009

"Ronnie Dio as the originator of the metal horns and the inspiration for them!" Motivated by what he calls, the 'systematic abuse' of the metal horns, heavy metal icon and front man for the legendary Twisted Sister, Dee Snider has launched a web site dedicated to the...

OVERKILL - Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth

09 November 2009

"And to be able to have a record like 'Ironbound' sixteen records into our career is a great testimony to how strong the scene is." 'Ironbound' - the new album of East coast thrash legendsВ  OVERKILL is set to be released В  on В  29В January 2010В through...

KONTROL - Kolio The Gillan

09 November 2009

Bulgaria's punk finest frontman sorry, no english version is available "Името беше измислено също по странен начин. В началото имеше идея групата да се казва Комисия, Спанак и още нещо...


04 November 2009

"They day I started smoking was the day they found Layne..." Yes, they're truly BACK and have a fantastic new album to ram up all the moaning skeptics cynical arses! BLACK GIVES WAY TO BLUE is a brilliant piece of work in the classic Alice In Chains vein and new vocalist...

AMORAL - Ben Varon

15 October 2009

"Ha ha ha Eurovision, I think the whole contest is a joke! And the songs are just fucking terrible. Bad music all around. I don’t want anything to do with that!!! " Finnish metallers AMORAL got to be even more popular since they were joined by new singer Ari Koivunen earlier this...

VENDETTA - Marin and Misho

05 October 2009

"Vendetta is an undergorund band, we are not signed to any label so we have the freedom to do whatever we want!" The seminal Sofia hardcore unit - VENDETTA are together again and will play at the Hate City 2009 festival in Sofia this weekend! They reunite afterВ a fourВ year...

W.A.S.P. - Blackie Lawless

29 September 2009

"A lot of the way people interpret me as not religious, well that’s not true. Because my faith is very very strong! " The new album 'Babylon' is pretty serious! It's another amazing display of the W.A.S.P. trademark - American rock'n'roll but with a VERY...