An important letter from LES CLAYPOOL

05 November 2010
news page

Tangra Mega Rock got the following message from theВ leader of one of our all time favorite bands - PRIMUS.

A letter from Les...

First off I want to thank everyone that has been supportive of the latest rounds of Primus touring. It has been marvelous being out there and performing for the fine enthusiastic folk and being united once again with Ler and Jayski has been an extremely enjoyable experience.

Unfortunately, in the midst of the last Oddity Faire tour, I received the very traumatic news from my brother Ron that his little baby boy, Matthew, had been emergency airlifted to Stanford Medical Center where he was diagnosed with leukemia. Matthew has since been undergoing rigorous chemotherapy treatment and he is progressing as well as can be expected.

Needless to say this has been a gut wrenching experience for all of us and as the big brother, it breaks my heart to watch Ron and his wife Amy go through the torment of seeing their little boy suffer.

People that know my Bro know him to be one of the most giving and kindest fellows around. He is also very proud and not overly comfortable with the notion of taking charity even from his own family. Unfortunately the insanely monumental cost of treating a child with Matthew's ailment is overwhelming so Ron and Amy have set up a website, where folks can donate to help offset some of the medical expenses.

Matthew is facing a minimum treatment period of three years. It is unfathomable to me to imagine the notion of a "little shaver" like Matthew spending the first years of his life on "chimo".


This last year Ron opened his own business, GREEN GOPHER GARDEN SUPPLY in the Monterey area and has been progressing slowly but surely in the hydroponics retail business. But, like all new businesses the first year is sketchy and I would like to encourage anyone in need of hydroponics supplies to do business with my Bro. He's a good man and will treat you right. Buying from GREEN GOPHER is actually the best way to help Matthew in the long run.
It is going to be a tough haul and I very much appreciate any support that is given to my brother and his family.
Thank you,

Les Claypool
