KULTUR SHOCK recording new ROCK album with JACK ENDINO

13 December 2010
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Legendary Seattle producer JACK ENDINO who made the sound of bands Nirvana, Soundgarden, Screaming Threes, L7, TAD, Green River is now working again with our friends of KULTUR SHOCK.

The new album of the gipsy punk will be called 'Ministry of Kultur' and is the follow up to 2009'sВ 'Intergration'. It will be released in early February through the band's own labelВ Kultur Shock Records.

Guitarist Val KiossovskiВ told В radiotangra.com:

"Last one was an experiment with incorporating the new members of the band and the sound of the new instrumens in the sound of the band. The new record is written fully by all 6 of us, it is the record with the most rock tone we've ever had, and, I dare to say- some of the best songs on every level."


"The sounds that we got on drums, bass, guitar tracks are amazing, without anything else it already rocks like hell!" - ads Val.

Currently, vocalist Gino, together with Paris Hurley (violin) and Amy Denio (clarinet, saxophone) areВ in Indianola, Washington, recording some vocals with Jherek Bischoff (video below).В 

After releaseing the album, KULTUR SHOCK will embark on a huge Spring European tour.

Source: radiotangra.com