Ex-WHITESNAKE Guitarist Adrian Vandenberg Working On New Material, Art Exhibitions Postponed

05 May 2011
news page

Here's anВ update from ex-WHITESNAKE guitarist Adrian Vandenberg's camp:

"We apologize for the lack of updates on our site the past year; we have been extremely busy and a new site is being built with more updates about Vandenberg's artwork and music.

Adrian is working on a new album and plans to tour We will keep you informed. Since Adrian is working full time on a new album that will hopefully be ready for release the end of 2011, all the art exhibitions in planning will be postponed. Commissions for works will still be accepted, time permitting.

A couple of tracks for the new album are ready for pre-production and we can tell you, they rock!"

For information and updates on Vandenberg's activities go to this location.


Source: bravewords.com