Bassist Glenn Five Quits ANVIL

17 January 2012
news page

Glenn Five, bass player of veteran metal rockers ANVIL, today announced his departure from the band, citing creative differences.

ANVIL, formed in the late seventies by founding members Steve ‘Lips’ Kudlow and Robb Reiner, recently shot back to fame following the success of the critically acclaimed documentary about their story, Anvil! The Story of Anvil.

They have since gone on to tour the world, supporting the likes of AC/DC and ALICE COOPER and playing many major metal festivals.

Glenn Five joined the band in 1996 and in the past sixteen years has contributed to seven albums, including This Is Thirteen and Anvil’s latest album, Juggernaut Of Justice, on which he also wrote and sang the song ‘This Ride’.

Glenn Five commented: "Playing in Anvil has given me some of the best years of my life, however after nearly 16 years with the band the time has come to move on and try new musical endeavors. Although Anvil has been a great band to play in, I have been limited creatively. I have a wide taste in music and I feel that it’s time to broaden my horizons."

