6-Year-Old Boy Offers Up HC Video

10 February 2012
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A few weeks ago Juliet, a tiny tot from Down Under, made her hardcore debut with ‘My First Hardcore Song,’ which, as it implies, was the 8-year-old’s scorching introductory song about her pet dog Robert and her smelly fish tank.

The munchkin took music fans by surprise and became a smash YouTube sensation overnight.

Seems like Juliet’s emerging talents have stirred the creative juices for other young shriekers, including a direct rebuttal to her song from a 6-year-old in Florida named Jacob.

The video starts off with the youngster issuing a bit of a challenge to young Juliet, saying, “Hey Juliet, I saw your video, you scream like a sissy girl. Watch and learn.”

Jacob then goes on a mad tear of belching, rocking out with his light saber, and smashing guitars in true rock star fashion. Lyrically, his brutal breakdowns include lyrics like, “Don’t be scared of me, I’m a sweet boy. I cleaned my room today, I put my toys away. NOT.”

Jacob had some adult help along the way, he worked alongside TeraBrite, a hardcore duo formed in 2009.

Look out hardcore community, if this keeps up these budding baby-faced newbies will be ruling the hardcore scene in no time. So what’s next? Maybe Jacob and Juliet can team up for a hardcore duet?



Source: loudwire.com