Former ICED EARTH Singer Supports Cops

10 February 2012
news page

Former Iced Earth singer Matt Barlow has teamed up with Fallen Blue, an amazing organization that supports the families of police officers killed in the line of duty and that promotes metal music while doing so!

The 41-year-old vocalist issued a heartfelt and detailed explanation about why he has chosen to hang up his mic multiple times to serve his country and why Fallen Blue's mission is so important, since he has endured the loss of a colleague and friend.

Barlow joined Iced Earth in the early '90s and left the band in 2003. He would return in 2008 to contribute vocals to the band's 'The Crucible of Man: Something Wicked Part 2' album, but didn't stay in the group as a permanent member.

Read Barlow's statement for Fallen Blue at this location.
