BLUE CHEER Cheer Return

17 February 2012
news page

It appears that rumours of BLUE CHEER’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Because the band are planning a return to action with several releases in the pipeline.

The hugely influential proto-metallers were thought to be over following the death in 2009 of bassist/vocalist and driving force Dickie Peterson.

But now guitarist Tony Ranier, who was in the band from 1977 to 1988, has revived the BLUE CHEER name. Alongside him in the new line-up is bassist/vocalist Luke Ayoso, with an as yet unnamed drummer.

There are to be several albums released by SrhoomAngel Records showcasing the original Ranier period of the band. One will feature previously unreleased studio recordings, while another will be a live record from the 1984/5 tour.

A new album is being planned for later in the year.
