JAZ COLEMAN missing after CULT slur

01 August 2012
news page

KILLING JOKE say they’re concerned for the welfare of frontman JAZ COLEMAN, who’s gone missing after slating THE CULT online.

KJ, The Cult and The Mission were due to tour the UK together in September. But earlier this month a Facebook post, believed to be by Coleman, stated his band wouldn’t take part.

The announcement, since deleted, said:

It gives me great pleasure to announce the cancellation of the upcoming gigs with The Cult and The Mission. Frankly, playing at a gig with The Cult never appealed to me in the first place.

Gatherers would only get to listen to a one-hour set. Then there would be a problem with the dressing room and witnessing The Cult charge the fans $200 per head for a meet and greet.

Lastly, all their songs suck! They clearly have no integrity (they refer to their hometown as LA).”

Now Killing Joke members Geordie Walker, Martin ‘Youth’ Glover and Paul Ferguson report they haven’t heard from Coleman since that announcement.

The band say: “A statement was posted on Facebook, reputedly by our singer, maligning both The Cult and The Mission and pulling us out of the shows.

He is now AWOL and has not contacted any of his band mates.

We are deeply embarrassed by this and offer our sincere apologies to all involved.

We are all concerned about our missing singer’s welfare.”

They say all four members agreed to the tour, and still hope to honour the agreements made, but add: “If this proves not possible, Killing Joke will make alternative arrangements to compensate for the trouble caused.

Meanwhile we are doing everything we can to make this tour happen and locate our missing singer.

Apologies for messing you guys around – you know that’s never our intention, and we appreciate the support you have all shown us over the years.”

Source: classicrockmagazine.com