PAUL GRAY doctor accused of manslaughter

10 September 2012
news page

The doctor of tragic Slipknot bassist Paul Gray has been charged with his manslaughter, and involved in seven other deaths.

Gray died of an accidental overdose in 2010, shocking fans and throwing his band into turmoil from which they’re yet to recover.

Now his physician, Dr Daniel Baldi, is to face justice for eight counts of involuntary manslaughter for allegedly prescribing high amounts of painkillers to people who later died.

The Iowa Health System recently closed down the clinic he helped run without explanation. It’s been revealed he’s facing administrative charges from the Iowa Board of Medicine, which could lead to suspension of his medical licence.

Baldi turned himself in at Polk Country Courthouse last week, His lawyer, Guy Cook, told the Des Moines Register:

It is unprecedented to turn unfortunate deaths or medical results into a crime against a doctor.”

But Deana McGillen, whose dead daughter Brandy Stoutenberg was named in legal papers alongside Gray, said: “I hope he does jail time. I hope he does a lot of time.”

If convicted on all eight manslaughter charges, Baldi could face up to 16 years in jail.

Gray’s widow Brenna was pregnant at the time of his death and later gave birth to their daughter October. She told last year how she’d saved him from addiction in the past – but only discovered he was using drugs again hours before he died in an Iowa hotel room.

Brenna said: “One Saturday I realised what was going on when I found things at home. Then he passed away that Sunday. So I really had no time to make a move.

On the Saturday I said, ‘We need to fix this.’ He agreed. He was getting ready to go out on tour and he said, ‘I’ll go get help after this tour.’ But I said, ‘You’re not going.’ I called his manager and told him to cancel – but I think it was a little too late.”

Slipknot regrouped in 2011, performing with Gray’s empty jumpsuit on stage with them, and former member Donnie Steel playing bass from offstage.

