Former IN BATTLE Drummer Takes His Own Life; Band Vows To Honor His Memory

21 August 2006
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Sundsvall, Sweden-based death metallers IN BATTLE have issued the following statement:

"IN BATTLE wants to announce that their longtime friend and drummer Otto Wiklund, born October 18, 1976 and died August 13, 2006, has passed away by his own hand...

"Otto Wiklund was a great drummer and did record the debut album of IN BATTLE (1997) and the second album, 'Rage of the Northmen' (1998). He also was the session drummer for SETHERIAL in 1998 and recorded the 'Lords of the Nightrealm' album.

"Otto Wiklund's memory will be honored on the upcoming [fourth] IN BATTLE album, 'Kingdom of Fear', which will be released through Nocturnal Art Productions/Candlelight Records in mid-November this year… with material that Otto Wiklund wrote for IN BATTLE.

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