RIVERSIDE announce title for new album

17 January 2015
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RIVERSIDE just finished composing all material and announce Love, Fear And The Time Machine as the title of their sixth album, further commenting:

"Our sixth album, six words in the title, sixty minutes of new music, that's about how long the new release will be. And we won't be playing hard rock any more", Mariusz Duda laughs.

"There will be many more melodies dressed in completely different shades. We're changing and evolving as a band, we're growing up but most of all we want to keep recording different albums which are simply great to listen to. And the new one will be like a deep breath of fresh air, very different to what we'd done before."

"Love, fear and the times that have shaped us have the biggest influence on our life choices. The lyrics will be about everything that pushes us to make the most important decisions in our life."

The band are going to start recording the new material in March and it will be possible to follow the progress of their work on a special Instagram profile.

Some of the new songs will already be played at this year's summer festivals.

Source: bravewords.com