METALLICA: CLIFF BURTON 'Memorial Day' Photos Posted Online

02 October 2006
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A "memorial day" for late METALLICA bassist Cliff Burton was held yesterday (Saturday, September 30) at the at Gyllene Rasten restaurant/bar in Ljungby, Dörarp, Sweden. It was on September 27, 1986 — 20 years ago this past Wednesday — that Burton died in a tragic bus accident in Sweden, just over the road from where Gyllene Rasten is located.

Johan Mörling, one of the event's organizers, told BLABBERMOUTH.NET, "As you know, I have mailed you about the 'Cliff In Our Minds' ( project, where METALLICA fans raised money to finally raise a memorial stone for Cliff Burton at Gyllene Rasten in Dörarp, Sweden where Cliff Burton was killed in a bus crash. This project started for about two years ago by me, Erik Lysén and Tony Asplund along with a great number of fans. This was held yesterday, and it was a big succes. There was over 300 people at site at this event, the stone was uncovered and bands where playing. The bands who played where: AGE OF FURY, THE HAZE, KILLERSQUEEZE and MORBID INSULTOR. METALLICA themselves have heard about this and are very grateful."

Check out the pictures at this location.
