A free MOTORHEAD to celebrate the impending birthday and life of LEMMY!

19 December 2017
news page

The MOTORHEAD WEEK on radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK rages on...

On December 23rd 2017, www.imotorhead.com will be releasing, for free, a previously unreleased live show recorded in Bonn, Germany on December 23rd 1996 to celebrate the impending birthday and life of LEMMY!

Here's the message on the official site:

Happy Holidays Motörhead’s out there, we hope the season is thus far jolly…we want to announce something that WE think will make it jollier still!

As we continue to inventory and carefully curate the Motörhead Vaults, we have come across a rather substantial amount of ‘soundboard recordings.’ These are not noisy planks of wood that were recorded for posterity (or posteriors even?), no, these are actually CASSETTE TAPES (remember those boys and girls? TDK? AGFA? MEMOREX?) which were placed into our sound engineer’s desk tape machine before a show started, and onto which said-show was recorded. For posterity (or posteriors?-same joke, sorry)…


Source: imotorhead.com