What a BIG Iron Maiden fan thinks of 'Flight 666'

16 April 2009
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A special advancedВ screening of the new Iron Maiden movie 'Flight 666' was held yesterday, 15th of April inВ 'Arena Mladost' cinemaВ for about 30 representatives of music media in Bulgaria. Quite naturally we had our special agent there too. And guess what? He's a die-hard Maiden fan who could hardly wait until the end of the movie to share his impression with all of you:

"It's one kick-ass movie. It's been wonderfully directed by Sam Dunn and Scott Mc Fayden withВ a phenomenal sound quality and breathtaking shots from all over the world. It's like Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Guadalahara, Mumbai and Toronto have unleashed their Maiden fans in the cinema that's just two blocks away from where you live. What's more, the band flies to all these destinations and play there in front of you.В While most bands spend hours of filming their own faces, 'Flight 666' is a movie about the fans, their love and dedication which madeВ out of Maiden what they are today- the biggest metal band on Earth."В В 

В 'Flight 666's premiere will happen simultaneously in many cinemas around the world on 21st of April. This date is also being officially announced as an international Maiden Day.В In Bulgaria there will be screenings in 'Arena Zapad', 'Arena Mladost' in Sofia and 'Arena Mall' in Varna.

Минавааа, големият кораб минаваааа

Only a month later, on 25th of May, Iron Maiden will release 'Flight 666'В on Blue-RayВ and DVDВ packagingВ consisting of 2 discs- the movie and the concert. The concert itself will be released as a soundtrack (doubleВ CD and double vinyl)В 

Expect usВ to deliverВ a detailed report from the Bulgarian screening in 'Arena Zapad" on 21st of April.

Source: radiotangra.com