Evanescence's Amy Lee Updates Fans On New Album

09 October 2009
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Evanescence vocalist Amy Lee took to the band's Myspace this week to update fans on the band's new album and answer fan questions. Here is what she had to say:

I've been sitting here reading through so many of these questions and comments... trying to find one I haven't answered and want to... I guess I just want to say thanks for making me feel good. Ha. It's really nice to know so many of you miss the music and want to know when you'll hear it again. I've gotten to the point where I'm working on it almost every day (night I should say). I'm in love with it. Enough to fight for it. Enough to reopen the door to a world of chaos even though it scares me. I don't want to give away too much about what it will sound like, because so much will change before the end, but its... not what you would expect. Its definitely not happy married music, but its not like I'm dying the whole time either. It's dark, sarcastic, fun, strange, familiar and very different at the same time. It makes me feel alive and I wish I could show you right now. If you were here, at my house, I would pour you a drink and we would turn it up really loud and rock out to it, and I know you would love it. Thank you everyone who has said their lives were touched by the music. It touches my life too, and so do you, in many ways.

Somebody asked how it made me feel when someone tells me the music changed their life. It makes me feel like I'm not crazy. It feels wonderful. Also somebody asked why I talk about blood so much, complete with quite a few lyric quotes. It made me laugh. I promise to offer slightly less blood on the next album. Slightly.

Last but not least, I often get asked about band members, the whole "is it a band, is it solo, etc" (understandably! There have been quite a few). Everyone who has ever been a part of Evanescence is a part of its story, a part of its soul. From day 1 it has been a collaborative effort and different people have contributed over the years. But it is more than just people. It's something that has taken on its own life, it has grown, changed and become more interesting, more soulful, more honest than a perfect image will allow. The passion is what makes it live on, the obsessive focus on straight up, head first, love for the music. That is my band. And against all obstacles I'm sticking to it.

Source: antimusic.com