DOWN - Video Of School Kids Playing 'Ghosts Along The Mississippi'

26 February 2010
news page

While we are searching for the Hottest New Bulgarian Rock band, DOWN vocalist Philip H. Anselmo has issued the following update:

"Unbelievable! These kids are great! DAMN... how flattering! If they keep at it (learning from the best), they'll be getting a call from me to jam in a couple of years!".

The video below shows US kids,В students of Aaron O'Keefe playing the DOWN track. REcording was mad in October 2009 in Chicago:

Drew Lowry: Vocals
John Donnell: Guitar
Andrew Alten: Guitar
Erik Michelfelder: Guitar
Sam Parsons: Bass


Младежите във видеото са ученици на американския музикален педагог Арон Кийф в Чикаго:

Дрю Лоури - вокали, Джон Донъл - китара, Андрю Олтън - китара, Ерик Майкълфелдър - китара, Сам Парсънс - бас, Сам Ръшман - барабани.
