METALLICA's Kirk Hammett Writing A Book

29 September 2010
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Metallica's Kirk Hammett may be the next rocker to hit the bestseller lists: the Metallica shredder says in a new interview that he's writing a book. Gibson has the details:

When asked if he would consider releasing a solo album, Hammett told Matera, "Yeah, eventually, but right now I have to say that Metallica is my home and I have no intentions of running away from that home. But I am going to put [out] a book, though. I am working on it and that in itself feels like I am making a solo album because it is so much [expletive] work! It is all myself. I don't have a band I can rely on or seek support. So I think once I do this book thing, maybe I may start considering doing a solo album, but I don't know."

Hammett would join an ever-growing list of rock star writers, including both Slash and Steven Adler of Guns N' Roses, Megadeth's Dave Mustaine and more.
