BROND – ‘Feint’ EP

  • Label:
    Magnetic Eye Records
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Ивайло Александров

Its mother is a riff. And its daddy too. At least is so with the four-headed rock monster Brond. The band was born from the scatters of urban punk rock brigade GRДD and … the similarities end here. I am not much about comparisons, but if you want to imagine the music of the quartet (what a fucking stupid word it is!), and if you’re too lazy to press play on Bandcamp … well, imagine Melvins and Karp in spring-driven slap-mat rock grinder. Does it sound clear?

Brond is an old English word for sword. Brond are four heroes from Sofia rock-and-all underground who love matt rock, sludge, punk and mostly love and can play music. And shout. Brond is a terrible beast that eats your socks at night and makes you walk in different colors, Brond breaks the teeth of the comb and makes you look shaggy in front of people. Brond makes you reluctant punk. Brond pours strong brandy in your decaffeinated coffee and stiffs pork in your soya meatballs. Brond can convert vegetarians. Brond cuts thick riff steaks from you with the sword from the waist and makes you crack vertebrae at their concerts.
Четирите парчета от Feint ти се нахвърлят яростно, като изпълват стаята (и главата ти) със звук, докато се опитват да ти отхапят ушите. Надъхани, на приливи, песните обаче са много повече от наперени и невъздържани мат/пънк/шизо рок. И са еднакъв кеф и на запис, и на концерт. И имам само една едничка забележка – най-дългата и почти прогресарски разчупена Atlantic Empress звучи по-яко на живо, отколкото в диска. А иначе положението във Feint на Brond си е ебало меча.
Concerts. There is the real beast Brond. The four storm the stage like tornado. Villy and Peshi forge riffs and melodies, and behind them Maxim slams the drum kit so hard that sometimes I get the feeling that he’ll drive it straight into the audience. And it will not hit the bassist Oleg, who is like a pinball. And all this time the four tear vocal cords. Without this to reflect the precision of their playing.
The four tracks in ‘Feint’ toss fiercely at you, filling the room (and your head) with sound, while trying to bite your ears off. Inspiring and tidal,the  songs, however, are much more than cocky and uncontrollable mat/punk/schizo rock. And they bring the same fun both in the record and on concert. I only have one sole note – the longest and almost progressive ‘Atlantic Empress’ sounds better live than on CD. Otherwise the situation of Brond’s ‘Feint’ is Fuck Shit Up.