The rumour has been officially confirmed today at noon – Twisted SisterВ and W.A.S.P. shall do free open-air shows in Lovech, Bulgaria in May 2008!
To be more precise, both performances shall be part of the Lovech Party Fest 2008, set to take place on May 6-11В on an open-air stage donwtown Lovech. Here’s the festival’sВ complete schedule:
- May 6В – Dr. AlbanВ &В Rumanetza & EnchevВ
- May 7В – Ace of BaseВ & P.I.F.
- May 8 – Ja RuleВ &В Upsurt
- May 9В – Maxi JazzВ of FaithlessВ & DJ AnneРњiek Trio
- May 10В – Twisted SisterВ &В Renegat
- May 11В – W.A.S.P.В & Соларис
All show are absolutely free.
Keep checking for details.