To make the upcoming 20 Years Nuclear Blast Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 3 even more special,
Tangra Mega RockВ and HOLSTEN
are proud to announce the start of the game
“Be a VIP Guest of the Nuclear Blast Festival in Germany!“
To participate and win you’ve gotta do following:
- Buy a ticketВ for the 20 Years Nuclear Blast in Sofia.
Information about the ways to obtain these tix is available HERE. - SendВ ONLY ONCEВ the uniqueВ serial number of the ticketВ via SMSВ containing “TANGRA the ticket number“В atВ 1780.
The price of one SMSВ is 0.30В leva / 0.15 Euro.
The deadlineВ for sending your SMSВ is October 3. - WINВ one of the following prizes:
– TheВ BIG PRIZEВ isВ a trip to GermanyВ (incl. transport and accomodation)В as aВ VIPВ GUEST (incl. a backstage pass for the show and the afterparty)В of theВ 20 Years Nuclear Blast in Stuttgart onВ October 27В featuring Blind Guardian, Dimmu Borgir, Kataklysm, EdguyВ and Subway to Sally!
– Lots of smaller prizes, a.o. tons of Holsten Beer, t-shirt, CDsВ and DVDs “20 Years Nuclear Blast” offered by Wizard Ltd. (official Nuclear Blast representative in Bulgaria), and more!
The winners shall be announced on October 6 at 4 p.m.В liveВ onВ TANGRA.TV.
The results of the game shall also be announced at
You may participate in the game only if you’re over 18 years old and you live in Bulgaria.