STALAGGH Vocalist Died

The “misantropik-nihilistik” project Stalaggh, featuring “leading individuals from both the Dutch and Belgian black metal and elektro/ambient scenes”, has issued following news:

“Last weekend one of our vocalists – the one who killed his mother at the age of 16 – was killed in a car accident at the age of 29. He performed on several of our projects.

Now he is dead, we can finally tell why he killed his mother at such a young age. When he was between 6 and 11 years old, he was sexually abused by his uncle. His mother knew about this and let it happen. Because of this, such a murderous hatred towards his mother grew in his mind that at the age of 16 he killed her with over 30 knife stab wounds.”

Stalaggh, whose members are and shall remain anonymous, released their latest album, “Projekt Misanthropia”, earlier in 2007 via Autopsy Kitchen Records.

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