Karnal Film Productions, who announced the release of “the world’s first black metal porn movie” yesterday, have issued a statement in reposne to the Blabbermouth.net bashers who dismissed the film as nothing more than a cheap gimmick.
The creators of the movie, entitled “Phallusifer – The Immoral Code”, call the readers just mentioned “conservative” and “hypocritical” and claim “the traffic to the site is insanely high and we cannot keep up with DVD orders”.
The theme of the 65-minute-long film is “something never done before – hardcore porn with hints of S&M and Satanic imagery starring the Harlot Queen as herself and a frontman of a known black metal band whose identity will remain anonymous”, while the soundtrack to “Phallusifer…” features tracks by black metal bands like Kill from Sweden, Necrodaemon from Germany, Thus Defiled from the U.K., Anima Damnata from Poland and Filii Nigrantium Infernalium from Portugal. The director is said to be the frontman of another black metal band who wishes to remain anonymous for the time being…