SULLY ERNA of GODSMACK considers a solo project

GODSMACK vocalist Sully Erna works on a solo project and publishes a memoir for the first 30 years of his life.

In an interview for Launch Radio Networks Erna said that he still does not know what is going to turn out of his solo album – it may be heavy rock or oldschool blues.

“I’ve been putting some thought into it,” he said. “I actually have some stuff that I’m doing on the side right now. I don’t know when I’m gonna kind of unleash something like that, and I don’t know really what it’s gonna be yet. I’m not sure what and when it’s gonna happen, but of course GODSMACK is our lifeblood and we don’t have any plans on trying to break this thing up.”

Meanwhile, it transpired that the memoir of the 38-years-old Erna “The Paths We Choose” will come out in January and will provide a detailed account of the 30 years of his life to the moment when Godmsack got their first record deal.

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