New Order bassist to write book

New Order‘s bassist Peter Hook is set to write a book about legendary Manchester venue The Hacienda.

The club was partly financed by New Order along with Factory Records boss Tony Wilson.

Madonna played the venue on her first UK tour, and the film ‘24 Hour Party People‘ was based around the club.

The Hacienda closed down in the mid- 90s and turned into luxury flats.

Hook said his book was provisionally titled ‘How Not To Run A Club‘.

He said: “I realised I’d bored my friends for years with tales from The Hacienda so now I thought I’d bore the general public with it.

“But once I started to get into the writing I realised what a huge endeavour it was, and that I was going to have to work on it properly to do it justice.

The bassist had not yet found a publisher but he told The Manchester Evening News: “To us it’s a tale of woe, but The Hacienda did change the world of clubbing. Even though it took me to the edge and it took Factory Records to the edge. The stories are legion and legendary.”

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