VADER: Another New Song Posted Online

Candlelight Records has premiered “Shadow Fear” from VADER’s forthcoming album, “Impressions in Blood“, at the label’s official MySpace page.

The CD was recorded at Hertz Studio in Bialystok, Poland and will feature artwork by Greek artist Seth (ROTTING CHRIST, PARADISE LOST).

Due in Europe on September 4 via Regain Records, “Impressions in Blood” will contain the following track listing:

01. Between Day and Night
02. ShadowsFear
03. As Heavens Collide…
04. Helleluyah!!! (God is Dead)
05. Field of Heads
06. Predator
07. Warlords
08. Red Code
09. Amongst the Ruins
10. They Live!!!
11. The Book

Download an MP3 of the song “Warlords” at this location.

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