If you haven’t seen Kid Rock‘s latest video, let us explain the recent furore to you. Essentially, Robert Richie, aka Kid Rock, gets his knickers in a twist over “woke” culture, combining cringe-worthy rap-rock and members of MONSTER TRUCK with lyrics that slam offended millennials, “snowflakes” and kids that receive participation trophies. That’s right, Kid Rock is offended about er, well… people being offended.
While garbed in fur coats, rockstar shades, fedoras, chains and slogan tees that state totally profound things like “social media sucks”, Kid Rock and Jon Harvey trade vocal lines in-between drags from cigars. Oh, and there’s also the particularly outlandish scene where Kid Rock blasts off into space while sat on a giant middle finger, as one final gesture to show the world how much he just truly. doesn’t. care. Edgy!
It’s not surprising, then, that the video has been mistaken for a Kid Rock parody courtesy of “Weird Al” Yankovic, who is famous for creating comedic rock and pop lampoons of classic hits, some of which include Smells Like Nirvana, Eat It and Like A Surgeon.
And it turns out, people have even been congratulating Weird Al for the video, completely unaware that Kid Rock really was the one behind it. Music fans on Twitter have also been making the comparison, with one user declaring “No one. Not even Weird Al, is going to tell me that isn’t Weird Al in that Kid Rock video.”
Taking to the platform to clear his name, the comedian tweeted: “To everybody that’s congratulating me right now on my new Kid Rock parody video, let me clarify – that’s not me. That’s actually Kid Rock.”
You can watch Don’t Tell Me How To Live below: