IRON MAIDEN Score Top Selling Album In The U.S. With ‘Senjutsu’

IRON MAIDEN have reason to celebrate after their brand new album, “Senjutsu”, debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 Album chart, which marked their highest charting album ever on the U.S. chart.

“Senjutsu” was also the top selling album of the week, according to Billboard with the record selling 61,000 actual copies. In addition to the actual sales, the album enjoyed 3.57 million on-demand streams of the record’s 10 tracks, according to Billboard.
The Billboard 200 chart factors in streaming along with real album sales, giving them 64,000 “equitant” album units. “Senjutsu” has also become the second biggest hard rock album of 2021 (in sales and “equivalent” e.g. streams), with the FOO FIGHTERS “Medicine at Midnight” claiming the top spot with 70,000.
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