New Zealand mother names her children Metallica, Slayer and Pantera

 A heavy metal-loving mother in New Zealand has named her three children Metallica, Slayer and Pantera.

The story was broken by Kiwi filmmaker and metal fan David Farrier in a message to subscribers to his Webworm newsletter. Farrier then retold the story in a series of tweets.
The woman, who remains anonymous, told Farrier, “It’s not easy raising three of the heaviest bands.”
Farrier was initially suspicious of the story after photographs of Metallica‘s birth certificate appeared to show that the child, born in 2009, had been given the middle name “And Justice For All”, presumably in tribute to the band’s fourth album. 
Farrier then checked with New Zealand’s registrar-general, Jeff Montgomery, who confirmed that the birth had been registered and that there were no barriers to such a name being given. “There are no restrictions on naming babies after bands or albums,” said Montgomery, “as long as the word used is not generally considered to be offensive or does not resemble an official rank or title.”
Farrier finished by paying tribute to the metal mother, saying, “I think it’s important to note that the mother is also a big fan of crossbows which are also truly metal and she deserves our complete and utter respect for this (and for raising three kids).
(Image credit: Laney Griner)


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