KINGS OF LEON Come Around Sundown (2010)

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It’s always good when a band has it’s own style and you need 10 seconds, give or take, of a song you hear for the first time to recognize them.

There are plenty of examples, just make sore to add Kings Of Leon to that list. And if you paid attention to the American Music (yeah, right) Awards, it’s even better to know that during times where mediocrity rules supreme, there is American music that doesn’t come steaming from the conveyor, just to be forgotten in a couple of months.

King Of Leon are, so to speak, a boutique band. And Come Around Sundown is a beautiful background to winter night, with candles and red wine, a fireplace and all that. It’s an album that is in no hurry at all and it makes you slow down the pace too. Peaceful melancholy and retro feel.

Sink into your armchair, relax, read a book and let the music flow gently around you.
But! There it is the almighty BUT. While Come Around Sundown is truly a great background, the same does not hold true for foreground.

Basically, every combination of three songs is good but the forth is a overkill.
The melancholy turns into monotonousness and you are left with the unpleasant feeling that Caleb’s is capable of only one emotion and it gets boring after a 15 minutes. And a otherwise joyful song like Back Down South sounds like it is recorded at the end of a very loooong month and you can tell.

So, to make the most of the album, I recommend to listen to it in company and a glass of fine drink. After all, not everything in this life must be in 6th gear, and Come Around Sundown is a great soundtrack to you slowing down if taken correctly.

PS: Radioactive IS Sex On Fire.