KID ROCK Rock n Roll Jesus (2007)

  • Label:
    Atlantic Records
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Ивайло Александров

The prodigal son of America, the white trash, the devil without a cause returns as the rock’n’roll Jesus. Now he’s a little bit staid and clamed, more rock than kid… but always that biting-cynical and southern open-minded. Kid Rock.

Maybe few of you know that this is the ninth studio album by Kid Rock, but his first Billboard number one record. However, the retrospect doesn’t matter, the music is what does. In “Rock n Roll Jesus” we have this trucker rock with country taste that you expect to welcome you from the jukebox in a bar, from a movie bearing the spirit of America in its most liberty-loving and free form. It sounds both vintage, as if crawled out of the 70’s and the 80’s, and absolutely adequate today. Yet it examines the same old rock themes of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. And rebel. And the finger for the system.

Basically in the album there is nothing that we haven’t heard, but served this way by Kid Rock we really haven’t. His rapping is left in the past, and the main supporter of the frisky, softened by piano and concertina rock’n’roll is the country music. And the modern wires are not anymore the salt that gives aggressiveness to the tracks. This time Robert Ritchie (Kid’s real name) relies only to his swearing and well ordered rhymes and messages. Songs like the title track, “Don’t Tell Me You Love Me” or “Lowlife” are excellent for a party, boozing, dances or high speed on the Route 66. Or you can lay your head down in the nicely melancholic “Amen”, “Roll On” or “When You Love Someone” that this time share almost an equal place with the vivid tracks. Thus is built the softest yet nicest album by Kid Rock.

Maybe the most sincere and funny song is “All Summer Long” – a joke not only in the melody but also in the lyrics with the hit “Sweet Home Alabama” by the eternal Lynyrd Skynyrd. In other words, if you like the just-mentioned band in combination with ZZ Top, The Marshall Trucker Band and Bon Jovi, poke “Rock n Roll Jesus” in the player and give a full throttle to “Jackson Mississippi”!