Do you remember these guys? Of course you do. Last year they even toured Europe. Now, several years after their second hiatus and the tour of Ian Astbury with The Doors, Billy Duffy and he, along with the new musicians, flatly prove that the band’s reunion does not rely on old glory. Don’t you believe me? Play the album. Do you believe now?
Whatever we say, The Cult do not have a weak release. And with “Born into This” they again offer a wonderful bouquet of soft but deep as feeling and sound rock songs with light shades of wave or pop-rock. And every track scatters good spirits and atmosphere. From the typical for the band’s style catchy and fascinating title composition until the last infectious “Sound of Destruction”, The Cult spread energetic and sincere rock’n’roll, call up smiles and unnoticeably make you wanna clap your hands to the sound of the tambourine (which is a great metronome for the warm-hearted rock in most of the pieces), while singing the hellishly catchy and melodic refrains.
It comes a certain moment when in the next listenings to the CD there grows the question, “How the hell can these people sound with the same freshness and zip as they did it back in the 80’s, without a hint of démodé or cliché in their music? To be honest, I don’t care. The important thing is that when the loudspeakers shake on he first single “Dirty Little Rockstar”, start to jump in the rhythmic tempo of “Savages” or flood the room with the sensual-epic “Tiger in the Sun”, they wake the wish to call a few old friends, listen to rock and drink as much as we bear. Or more.