Good news from Astral Doors again! These guys are surprisingly successful and in the past three years they reaped the fruits of their labour. They become one of the most popular and wanted for live shows young bands, which obviously has been a motive for them to create their next strong dose of classic metal.
I’m sure that every fan needs a time for relaxing under the sound of such music that does not engage but calms the senses. “New Revelation” is a typical Astral Doors release, without surprises but with brilliant sound and a great amount of energy, which overflows from song to song.
With their previous albums it got clear that people can love this band with emblematic vocalist or hate it. The new album continues this tradition, too. There were many things written about the nearness between Nils Johansson’s and Dio’s voice, and I can’t miss the fact that this time it protrudes again at a forefront. We should also acknowledge that here he sounds more confident.
From “Pentecostal Bound” through “Waiting for the Master” to “Shores of Solitude”, from the new album flows a concentrate professionalism which brings the smile on our faces unnoticeably. For the qualities of the instrumentals we can say many things, but it is not necessary. The mood is clear; the desire with which the musicians play every melody can easily be felt. It is true that there are no experiments, only right-minded playing, but this is sufficient for Astral Doors.
I can not hide my happiness from the stable returning of the band after the hesitant “Astralism” (2006). With more diligence we can receive the perfect doze of classic metal. With “New Revelation” we are within a pace of it.