Bruce Springsteen teams up with Barack Obama for new podcast

Bruce Springsteen has teamed up with former US President Barack Obama to record a podcast series.

The first two episodes of The Renegades: Born In The USA – which features conversations between the two men – are available on Spotify now.

On the surface, Bruce and I don’t have a lot in common,” says Obama. “But over the years, what we’ve found is that we’ve got a shared sensibility. About work, about family and about America
In our own ways, Bruce and I have been on parallel journeys trying to understand this country that’s given us both so much. Trying to chronicle the stories of its people. Looking for a way to connect our own individual searches for meaning and truth and community with the larger story of America.”
Springsteen first met the then future President on the campaign trail in 2008, when he appeared at several rallies and performed solo acoustic shows in support of Obama‘s candidacy. Springsteen then appeared at the Obama Inaugural Celebration in Washington, D.C. on January 18, 2009.
He also campaigned for Obama‘s re-election, appearing at campaign events in Ohio, Virginia, Pittsburgh, Iowa and Wisconsin. At the Wisconsin rally, held in Madison, Springsteen told the crowd, “It’s crunch time now. The president’s job, our job, yours and mine – whether you’re a Republican, a Democrat, an independent, rich, poor, black, brown, white, gay, straight, soldier, civilian – is to keep that hope alive.”
In The Renegades: Born In The USA, the pair discuss their hometowns and role models, explore modern manhood, confront the reality of a divided America, and offer a vision for how the nation might move forward as one.  
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