Discover the extraordinary story of legendary bluesman Joe Bonamassa in the inspirational documentary “Guitar Man”, arriving on video-on-demand and for digital purchase December 8, 2020 from Paramount Home Entertainment.
From average Joe by day to guitar hero at night, “Guitar Man” tells the incredible rise of blues-rocker Joe Bonamassa, whose hard work and determination have made him one of today’s top-selling blues artists. With more No. 1 blues albums than anyone else in history, Bonamassa pulls back the curtain on his incredible career, allowing us to see his remarkable musical achievements and pioneering style. Featuring behind the scenes interviews and live concert footage showcasing some of the biggest names in music, kick back and enjoy the exhilarating soundtrack of his phenomenal life.
“Guitar Man” showcases Bonamassa‘s astounding talent from his childhood as a “wunderkind” discovered and mentored by blues legend B.B. King. At the age of only 43, Bonamassa has an illustrious career spanning over three decades.
Earlier this month, Bonamassa‘s new solo studio album, “Royal Tea”, hit the Billboard chart with record-breaking numbers, as the blues-rock titan landed his 24th No. 1 album on the Blues chart; an incredible feat and more than any other artist in the history of the chart. Recorded at the iconic Abbey Road Studios in London, “Royal Tea” features honorable nods to his British heroes Jeff Beck, John Mayall & THE BLUESBREAKERS, Eric Clapton, LED ZEPPELIN and CREAM.