DEEP PURPLE’s Nothing At All video asks the big philosophical questions

Rock legends DEEP PURPLE have released a video for Nothing At All, the third single to be released from the band’s recent album Whoosh!

The video follows the release of Throw My Bones in March and Man Alive in May, and features a whimsical, somewhat surreal video featuring an astronaut, a man in a purple suit, some slightly inaccurate lip-synching, and a rather mysterious white ball.   
The lyrics of The lyrics of Nothing At All are an observation of what we humans have done to Mother Earth in our short time of existence,” reads a statement from the band. 
It continues: “After exploring the subject of time and space with the first single Throw My Bones and following  the concerned look into the future with Man Alive, Nothing At All brings a big philosophical question: is it really ‘nothing at all’? With this question in mind, Deep Purple’s spaceman embarks on yet another journey. Will it be the final one?
To be honest, we don’t know.” 
(Image credit: Ben Wolf)
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