Watch Couple Get Engaged in the Pit at MACHINE HEAD Show

We’ve seen fans get engaged at band meet-and-greets and onstage in the past, but a MACHINE HEAD fan decided to propose to his girlfriend this past week in the circle pit at one of the band’s show. 

MACHINE HEAD posted footage of the unidentified couple and their special moment that occurred during group’s set Thursday (Jan. 16) in Phoenix.
Last night this man proposed in the circle pit, during the intro to ‘Death Church’ (who says romance is dead!?),” stated the group. “Was a pretty incredible moment in the middle of a song, and a first for us!! Congrats to the two of them! someone please let us know their names so we can shout them out!” See video taken of the proposal below.
MACHINE HEAD fans are a passionate bunch. As some might remember, back in 2018 the group played a show in which a couple were ejected for having sex in the front row at a gig.
MACHINE HEAD is set to play in Sofia on 13 May at a radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK promoted event.  
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