JOHN JOSEPH is at radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK studios the day after the first aver CRO-MAGS show in Bulgaria. 

There are tons of things you can talk to with a guy like him and this is exactly what we did.

So, this long conversation with JOHN goes through so many different topics:

– his triathlon Iron Man races;
– the story of the CRO-MAGS;
– his own diet;
– life in prison and on the street;
– the difference between spiritual and religious;
– the next CRO-MAGS album;
– his upcoming two new books and his Hollywood movie;
– meeting LEMMY;
– the phisical condition of EYEHATEGOD’s singer;
– avoiding his own MACGOWAN family;
– and many more….

And of course – his relations with HARLEY FLANEGAN

an interview conducted by Vassil Varbanov and Aleksandar Bojadzhiev

listen here

  • Source: RadioTangra.com