After releasing a teaser on their Facebook page Tuesday and sending cryptic letters to random fans, U2 dropped a new song, ‘The Blackout,’ on its Facebook page Wednesday at noon ET — although it is apparently not the real single.
That is ‘You’re the Best Thing About Me,’ which will be unveiled on Sept. 6 along with news about the group’s long awaited ‘Songs of Experience’ album, the sequel to its 2014 release ‘Songs of Innocence.’
The song, apparently recorded live, is less-polished and rowdier than the band’s recent material, although it has a poppy chorus that may bear the fingerprints of OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder, with whom the band has collaborated recently.
The band completed the album last year but felt, in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, it did not suit the changed political and social climate.
The band is currently wrapping its ‘Joshua Tree’ 30th anniversary tour and are expected to tour behind the new album next year.
Listen to ‘The Blackout’ on Facebook or below: