LEMMY is turning 70 this Thursday.
And this is the MOTORHEAD WEEK on radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK.
On Parole (1976/1979)
Motörhead (1977)
Overkill (1979)
Bomber (1979)
Ace of Spades (1980)
Iron Fist (1982)
Another Perfect Day (1983)
Orgasmatron (1986)
Rock ‘n’ Roll (1987)
1916 (1991)
March ör Die (1992)
Bastards (1993)
Sacrifice (1995)
Overnight Sensation (1996)
Snake Bite Love (1998)
We Are Motörhead (2000)
Hammered (2002)
Inferno (2004)
Kiss of Death (2006)
Motörizer (2008)
The Wörld Is Yours (2010)
Aftershock (2013)
Bad Magic (2015)