A cult name in the black metal world, and not just because of frontman Roman Sayenko’s renowned publicity-shyness, DRUDKH’s deep connection to their native Ukrainian history and folklore has been the source of some of the most scintillating, far-sighted and revered albums the scene has produced.
Three years after their last album, Eternal Turn Of The Wheel, brought the band back into fiercer territories after the more post-black metal wanderlust of 2010’s Handful Of Stars – and having found spiritual common ground with the likes of Primordial and Winterfylleth on last year’s folk-channelling One And All, Together, For Home compilation – the band are preparing to return with a new album, A Furrow Cut Short, due out via Season Of Mist on April 20.
We’re pretty damn thrilled to offer the first insight, in the mesmerising form of Till Foreign Ground Shall Cove, an eight-minute-plus journey riding its storm-borne riffs as if it’s trying to coax the spirits out of the earth. Dramatic, incensed and a seismograph for forgotten yet still-potent forces of nature, Till Foreign Ground… is DRUDKH in excelsis. Take the plunge below!