ALICE IN CHAINS singer William DuVall is switching his focus from fronting the grunge icons to directing movies.
DuVall is working on two documentaries as a producer.
He tells TeamRock Radio:
“One is about the Atlanta hardcore scene. I was first generation and a part of that when it all started. The film sort of compares and contrasts the scene now and in its earliest days, what we went through with the whole overwhelming sense from society at large that this is wrong and our children have gone crazy.
“What are their struggles now with the internet and punk being assimilated into mass culture. It’s an interesting thing they face.
“The other is on the jazz musician Milford Graves. One of the greatest musicians ever but what really makes him interesting beyond that is his scientific work. The guy does amazing cutting edge cardiac research work as exciting and potentially game-changing as any research you could ever hear about going on in that field. People are just starting to wake up to what he’s doing. He approaches science like a musician and in a way no one else does.”