NINE INCH NAILS – Four Separate Album Covers

When NINE INCH NAILS drop their highly anticipated new album Hesitation Marks later this year, each respective format will feature different cover art.

Artist Russell Mills, the same man who created the artwork for 1994’s The Downward Spiral as well as several releases related to the landmark album is behind the designs for Hesitation Marks.

Mills shared the following about the works:

This renewed collaboration very quickly suggested massive potential for the strange and the familiar to collide and collude in works that
I hoped would encapsulate, by allusion, suggestion, metaphor and association, the conceptual ideas imbued in the album as well as in the undertow of its sonic world

I’ve tried to make works that obliquely allude to the essence of the subject matter, to its emotional core. I hope that they will invite multiple readings.”

You can find Vinyl cover above and Below the other three as what format it will be used for:

1. CD
2. CD deluxe
3. digital

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