In the event you have not had have enough Nine Inch Nails news in the past 24 hours with a new song, new album, and new tour, here is some more news on the band for you. Sadly, it’s not exactly good news.

Adrian Belew, who helped bring Nine Inch Nails out of hibernation, has followed in the steps of Eric Avery and quit.

Here is the statement from his official Facebook page:

“Hey folks, before this goes too far let me say this: I greatly respect trent and the music he makes. No one is at fault. We both agreed it just was not working.

I’m sorry to disappoint anyone. That really hurts. But NIN will do an amazing show and I am back where I belong: creating FLUX.”

This goes along with the fact that Belew was no longer listed as an official member on the band’s Facebook page a couple of weeks ago, likely leaving it to be a 5-piece.

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