ALEXISONFIRE is breaking up after ten years together. The band’s final release was 2009′s Old Crows/Young Cardinals.
Vocalist George Pettit announced the break up in the following statement.
“There is no good way to put it so I’m just going to say it. After 10 years, Alexisonfire has decided to part ways. I’m going to try to give you the facts about this as best I can.” he said.
“Almost a year ago Dallas informed us that he would be leaving Alexis after we finished our Old Crows/Young Cardinals tour cycle. Trying to balance his life between touring with us and at the same time quelling the success of City and Colour was a task too difficult to continue managing. He informed us he wanted to focus his efforts on City and Colour.”
It seems that Alexisonfire would issue several special releases and complete a Canadian farewell tour before parting ways.