FAITH NO MORE kiss and say goodbye

Faith No More apparently brought their reunion and their career to and end in Chile last night – and their final song was a cover of Manhattan’s Kiss and Say Goodbye.

They’ve been playing the track for the last series of shows, which they’ve said are their last, in the same way they opened their comeback sets in 2009 with Peaches and Cream’s Reunited.

Frontman Mike Patton adjusted the lyrics slightly to say: “This has been the saddest day of my life – I called you guys here today for a bit of bad news. I won’t be able to see you any more, because of our obligations and the ties you all have. Since this is our last day together I want to hold you just one more time.”

And he did: at the end of the song he threw himself into the crowd and surfed for about a minute, before climbing back onto the stage and walking off, without looking back.

FNM’s last set list, stadio Bicentenario Municipal De La Florida, Santiago, Chile, December 5 2010:

01. Epic
02. Everything’s Ruined
03. Be Aggressive
04. Caffeine
05. Ben
06. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
07. Last Cup of Sorrow
08. Helpless
09. Cuckoo for Caca
10. Evidence
11. As The Worm Turns
12. Midlife Crisis
13. Spirit
14. King for a Day
15. QuГ© He Sacado con Quererte
16. Ashes to Ashes
17. Just a Man
18. Zombie Eaters
19. Surprise you’re dead
20. We Care a Lot
21. Easy
22. Digging The Grave
22. Kiss and Say Goodbye

The rest is silence…

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