Pictures from the Special Gathering of Sofia Freaks

May 13 was a great date for the rock comunity in Bulgaria.

All the KRAVAY freaks got together – some 20 yearsВ after the original everyday meetings.В KRAVAY was the place to be for metalheads, punk rockers, sophisticated new wave snotty snobs et al during the 80s in Communist Bulgaria.

Free thinkers and rock’n’roll afficionados gathered there to discuss, argue, bicker and banter about their favourite bands, music and fashions. Most parties took off from there, most kids were conceived there too.

We discussed everything – from the utter shitness of Communism to the latest MotГ¶rhead album. Some put it down in poems, others wrote it in books or songs. Most of those songs have been recorded now, the words published, the films finished, ” says one of the original Kravay heroes.

It was a great meeting and with a concertВ in a club after. He have some pictures in the specialВ GALLERY HERE.


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