SICK OF IT ALL’s LOU KOLLER: “The Sofia crowd was very good”

The frontman of legendary NYHC unit called Alexander Boyadjiev’s hardcore punk ‘Panick Attack’ radio show on Tangra Mega Rock last night.

Weather in New York is beutiful – the sun is shining.” – Lou said but had to admit that due to the volcanic ash in Europe reunited alltime friends of Snapcase had to cancell the tour.

When we write, we sit down and think : Now if I was in the crowdВ  and the band play this song would it make me go crazy? That’s how we write. It’s not like we write you know for sitting in your house whatever. I hope people listen to what they sit in their house too but we write for hearing it at live, to get your energy going!” – he said regardingВ SICK OF IT ALL’s brand new album ‘Based on a True Story’.

Talking about live shows and raw energy, LOU KOLLER remembered the one and only concert of his band in Buglaria (April 2006):

Very good crowd and we had a lot of Fun!

Asked about PETER STEELE who passed away last week, the NYHC guy said:

I wasn’t very close with Peter Steele. I met him a bunch of times and you know, I like Type O Negative. He was always a good guy to me. It’s all I can tell you!“В 

The full text and audio file of the interview will be available here soon. In the meantime, checkВ the ‘Pannic Attack’ reruns – tonight at 11 pm CET and on Thursday 5 pm CET.

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