Win tickets for the DIMMU BORGIR concert in Kavarna

You will face a new question here every single day, regarding the Dimmu Borgir world. AndВ you will have to send your answers to В

If you answer all the 5 questions, you will have a serious chance to WIN a free ticket for the big DIMMU BORGIR concert in Kavarna – Bulgaria on August 15th. And here comesВ 


What is Dimmu Borgir’s vocalist, Shagrath doing in his spare time?:

a)В producer of Swedish black metallers Marduk;

b) guitarist of Norwegian rockenroll monsters Chrome Division;В 

c)В conductor of the Oslo Royal philharmonic orchestra;

d) treasurer of the Norwegian Greenpeace.


ShagrathВ – facepaint off!

Winners will be drawn onВ Friday atВ 5 pm BG time!

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