19 March 2014

Bulgaria’s D2 new album is called ‘Phoenix’ and will be presented at a special release party-concert at Joy Station club on 28 March. This is D2′s fourth album and the first in eight years. ALEXANDER OBRETENOV (bass) is at our studios to talk the new effort, but also to dig in the past of the band etc… an interview conducted by Vassil […]

18 March 2014

AMORPHIS are back to Sofia to headline radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK’s eight anniversary bash. We have TOMI JOUTSEN (vocals) and ESA HOLOPAINEN (guitar) live in our studios. And we talk a hell lot of things….. an interview conducted by Vassil Varbanov LISTEN HERE  

16 March 2014

Just tow years after the fantastic comeback with ‘Carved In Stone’, mighty PRONG are now ready to hit again with a brand new studio record. It’s called ‘Ruining Lives’ and is a good opportunity for us to talk to legendary TOMMY VICTOR. We had the chance to meet face to face back on 2008 when he […]

28 February 2014

ВИКТОР ЖЕКОВ е баща и треньор на АЛЕКСАНДРА ЖЕКОВА. Те са наши приятели, преди САНИ да се превърне в национален герой на Олимпиадата в Сочи. ВИКТОР е в студиото на радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК в най-популярното шоу и говори за….всичко. едно интервю на Коко Стойнов и Васил Върбанов СЛУШАЙ ТУК ДОБРЕ ДОШЪЛ ОТНОВО СЛЕД ТРИ […]

14 February 2014

PHILP H ANSELMO is coming to Sofia with ‘METAL ALL STARS’ on 23 March. We had him on TANGRA’s hot line on Saint Valenitne’s to talk about: – The ‘METAL ALL STARS’ show (of course); – Who’s his best friend among those stars; – What are his memmories from 22 March 1994 – the day PANTERA’s ‘Far Beyond Drivem’ was […]

30 January 2014

ICED EARTH are playing at Sofia’s *MIXTAPE 5* club. This is the second ever show of the US band in Bulgaria after their live debut on this land back in 2011. JOHN SHAFFER was on our hot line a couple of days ago. We talk about the brand new studio offering ‘Plagues of Babylon’ and more…  LISTEN HERE […]

29 January 2014

Съсценаристът на филма ‘ЛОРД БЪНДИ ОТ СОФИЯ’ – КОНСТАНТИН ПЕТРОВ (вляво) е гост в студиото на радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК. С него е и неговият брат близнак – АЛЕКСАНДЪР ПЕРТРОВ – авторът на някои от най-знаменитите тестове. Документалният филм разказва историята на БЪНДАРАЦИТЕ – първата РОК група в българската история. С двамата говорим не само за самия филм, но и за […]

28 January 2014

Bulgarian alt rockers SEPUKO 6 have premiered a new single and video – ‘Do Not Stop Here!’ The song whas recorded at Studio 42 in Plovdiv (Smallman, Mindown, 4?, Riffeljack) with producer Luchezar Georgiev. We have ANGEL VUKOVICHIN (drums) and ANGEL KASPARYANOV (vocals) in our studios. an interview conducted by Vassil Varbanov LISTEN HERE    

17 January 2014

English version coming soon АНДРЕЙ ВЕЛКОВ – авторът на нашумелия български “уличен” роман ‘БЪЛГАРСКИ ПСИХАР’ e в студиото на ‘ДЖИТБОЛ’ по радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК. Пием бира, празнуваме рождения му ден, който се пада точно днес и размишляваме на глас за живота. Оказва се, че втората част на книгата ще излезе до няколко месеца със […]

15 January 2014

DER HUNDS will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of the band at a special gig on Friday, 17 January, at Sofia’s JET ROCK bar. They will be joined on stage by friends of other bands like SOUNDPROPHET, PANICAN WHYASKER, CORECOM, CASUAL THREESOME and more. We have BOBBY (vocals) and KALIN (guitar) live on radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK…. an interview […]